Grow Your Audience With a Lead Magnet That Gets Your Dream Client Excited to Be in Your World

Launch your offers to a hot, engaged audience using a lead magnet that collects emails faster than your kid collects Pokemon cards.

Is this you...


Whenever you launch a new offer, you hear cricket?


You know you need an email list but you don't really know where to start?


You have a DIY logo, but you want something a little more professional?


You’ve heard of a freebie but its just too much technical work to figure out.


You tried to make a freebie, but you just fiddled around canva for hours.


You've created a freebie in the past but it has little to no downloads.

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then The Audience Builder is for you!

"Schneur guided me on the perfect approach to reach a hot audience that loves what I do and wants to buy from me"

I went from feeling lost and not knowing how and where to build my audience to having strategic email marketing and an engaged audience.
Vocal Art By Etty

Imagine having a lead magnet that pulls dream clients into your world because they see you as the ONLY solution for them?


The Audience Builder 

Launch your offer to a hot audience with a lead magnet that gets people excited to join your world.

$900/mo for 3 months

$2,500 PIF

What to Expect

Here is how we’ll bring the vision of your website to life.

Brainstorm Your Freebie

We connect for a 45 minute call where we come up with a lead magnet idea that you can give to potential clients.

Brand Assets

You will receive a logo and color palette, for you to promote this lead magnet as well as the other offers in your business. 

Implementation Call

We go through setting up your lead magnet in, making sure it works on a technical level.

And... you also get these top tier marketing bonuses!

Email Marketing Templates

Email Marketing Templates for you to set up your lead magnet + a video on how to use them. 

Flyer for Social Media

A fresh flyer for you to use in your marketing, promoting your services OR your lead magnet.

Access to my course

Exclusive access to my new course (valued at $697) on how to grow your business and land more clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

How would someone download my freebie

We will build you a landing page where people will be able to download your freebie?

Would I also get a website in this offer?

No, this offer is here to help you grow your audience and build an amazing lead magnet. If you are interested in getting a website, you can check out my offer The Website That Turns Heads

Will you help me create an ideal client and an offer?

No, this offer is here to help you grow your audience and build an amazing lead magnet. If you don’t have clarity on that yet, you should check out my 1:1 Coaching Package

How many people will download my lead magnet?

Depends how well you market it, but once we finish this process, you will know exactly what you need to tell people in your marketing to get them to download.

Where should I be promoting my lead magnet?


Are you sure I should give away this much value for free?

Your paid offer will be judged by the value of your free offer. So if you want people to pay you a lot of money for your paid offers, you should give away as much free value as you can.

This IS for you if...

This is NOT for you if...

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It's time to have your website be your #1 sales agent 

Who will work full time at the fraction of the cost of hiring an employee.